Modifying, deleting, and reordering questions

After you've added your questions to your quiz, you can modify, reorder, or even delete them.

Modifying a question

  1. Click on the Questions tab.

  2. Click on the menu next to the question you wish to modify and select Edit.

  3. You can now modify the question however you want, and click on Save changes once you're satisfied with the changes.

Deleting a question

Click on the menu next to the question you wish to modify and click on Delete .

Reordering questions

You can control the order in which the questions are shown by reordering them.

  1. Click on the menu next to one of the questions and select Reorder.

  2. Follow the instructions on the screen to reorder the questions in your desired order.

  3. Click on Save changes.

  4. Please note that enabling the Randomize Questions feature in the quiz settings will shuffle the question order for quiz takers, irrespective of your original sequence.

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What if I delete or modify questions that have already been submitted?