Receiving email notifications when a new submission is made

This feature allows you or anyone from your team to get notified when a new quiz submission is made. Please note that this feature is available only for sign-in required quizzes.

  1. Go to Settings tab and click on Email Notifications.

  2. Click on the toggle button and enable Email notification.

  3. Once you’ve enabled email notifications, you’re invited to customize the email message you send out.

  4. Enter a subject line for your email notification. You can customize the subject by using "dynamic variables". To use variables, click on the {} icon to personalize the subject line.

  5. In Send to , specify to which email address you would like the email notifications sent to. You can enter multiple addresses if you want that email notification to go to more than one person by uploading a CSV file with a list of emails.

  6. Write whatever you like in the Message section to customize the email. Again, you can customize the message by using "dynamic variables"

  7. Once you've finished setting up your notifications, click Save changes for the change to take effect.